Fokas, Nikos
Appears as author in
Fokas, Nikos. "Flies" | "Grey Season" | "Watery Spot" | "Random Sounds" | "Spirit Saturday" | "Sail in the Open" | "The Ocean" | "Group Photo" | "This Death" | "Ode to a Clothes Hanger" | "Scandal" (2010) 4.1744 odyssey.pmPoetry
In The Literary Review 51.2 (Winter 2008)Poetry
In The Literary Review 50.2 (Winter 2007)Poetry
In Absinthe: New European Writing 8 ( 2007)Poetry
In Mondo Greco 8 (Fall 2002)Prose
In Ithaca 15 (May 2002)Prose
Agrafiotis, Demosthenes. Translations from the Greek of Demosthenes Agrafiotis & Nikos Phokas (1994) 4.10Poetry
In Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 10.3 (Fall 1983)Poetry
In The Ohio Journal 4.2 (Winter 1978)Poetry
In The Literary Review 16.3 (Spring 1973)Poetry
In Chicago Review 21.2 (Aug. 1969)Poetry